Amusement Rides  -  Carnival Games  -  Delicious Food

Shaw and Sons Amusements
Shaw and Sons Amusements
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About Us

KiddielandShaw and Sons Amusements was founded in 1945 by Leroy Shaw. A baker by trade, Leroy moved to Baltimore from Westernport Maryland during WWII and became a sheet metal worker in Baltimore's shipyards. During his spare time, he built a miniature train ride in the yard to entertain his children. The train, still in the Shaw's possession, ran on a track in a circle in the back yard. Word of the train ride traveled and before long Leroy was approached by a Fire Dept. with a request for the train ride at their yearly fund raiser. So Leroy loaded up the train and rode the children at the first of many carnivals. Soon, several other rides were built and as needed professionally manufactured rides were added. A kiddie airplane ride built by Leroy still thrills the kiddies on Shaw and Sons Amusements.

Now in the third generation, Shaw and Sons Amusements travels on 100 vehicles and services churches, firemen's carnivals, county fairs and festivals of all kinds in the mid Atlantic states with rides, games and food concessions.


Employees at Shaw and Sons, Inc., are trained to operate the rides and concessions in their assignments. Roving radio carrying supervisors keep the entire operation under constant observation in an effort to head off possible problems. All employees wear uniforms and are well groomed. Polite encounters with the public is our goal.

For Information write:
Shaw and Sons Inc.
Box 456
Severn, Md 21144

Phone:  443-324-1470